Si vous êtes Goofy, vous aurez le pied droit devant, Regular, ce sera votre pied gauche en premier face à la pente. A Snowboard Stance Is An Art. This is very easy to do, once you learn how. There are different ways to determine whether a rider is "regular" or "goofy". Encore une fois, il n'y a pas de science exacte, il faut souvent s'y prendre à plusieurs fois pour trouver le bon angle ! Have a friend gently push you forward. Vos straps doivent être centrés quand ils sont serrés. A "regular" stance places the rider's left foot at the front of the snowboard. Dernier réglage, l'angle du spoiler (partie arrière de la fixation). La façon la plus facile de déterminer votre position sera de connaitre votre pied dominant ! découvrez la recherche d’articles. Some skaters like Leandre Sander skates the street in regular stance but rides a bowl in goofy stance. Riders will generally quickly choose a preferred stance that becomes permanently preferred. Pour le freestyle, le « duckstance » est souvent apprécié par les riders. Vous pouvez aussi trouver des tournevis mis à disposition en bas ou en haut des remontées mécaniques. If done incorrectly, the snowboarder can get hurt, incapacitated, or just have a bad time. you so new to snowboarding that you don't even know whether you ride regular or goofy? The difference between the two is which leg goes in front. If you put your left foot forward, you have a regular stance. In this stance, you turn your neck to the left to see where you're going. Determining if you are regular or goofy is the first thing you will need to do before you begin to set up your new snowboard and bindings. Professionals seem to be evenly distributed between the stances. "Goofy", the opposite stance direction, places the rider's right foot at the front, as in skateboarding. You have to keep tuning and looking for what fits the mood. There are two different kinds of stances, regular stance and goofy stance. Si tu sais déjà que tu es goofy ou regular, tu peux très bien passer cette section et continuer ta lecture pour apprendre comment régler son snowboard. Basically a ducked stance will put both snowboard bindings facing outward and can have varying degrees from almost straight to extremely ducked. On commence avec quelques termes sympas du snowboard. A goofy rider snowboards with their right foot at the front of their snowboard. You may ask yourself now: Why would you name the stance on a snowboard after a Disney character? Be sure to check out our Snowboard Tutorial Membership for the other great Learn To Ride snowboard tutorials we have released. Regular is the most common. Updated August 13, 2018 Goofy, goofy stance or goofy foot all refer to a skateboarder, snowboarder, surfer, or wakeboarder riding with his or her left foot in back, toward the tail of the board. Am I Regular or Goofy – what is regular and goofy snowboard stance? Monter des fixations sur une planche de snowboard est relativement facile, vous pouvez le faire chez vous en un rien de temps avec un minimum d'outils (votre board, vos fixations, des vis et un tournevis), la question est de savoir comment régler ses fixations en fonction de votre niveau et de votre pratique. Marque de ski et snowboard de Decathlon. Lorsqu’on apprend à faire du skateboard ou bien du snowboard, notre position sera la première chose à déterminer. If you kicked with your left foot, perhaps goofy. There are two possible stances – regular foot and goofy foot. Your stance says a lot about you as a rider, whether you’re a duck-footed park rat or a forward-facing carver.Swapping out your angles or moving your bindings towards the tail (as long as it’s not in the middle of a pow day) can change how a board responds, how much force you can put into the edges, how much float you can get and how stable you feel, regular and switch. You can also do this test on hardwood floors with socks on, a button up shirt and no pants. Get a running start and try to slide on the floor. Before you strap into your snowboard, or even set up your bindings, you'll need to know if you’re a regular or goofy rider. Fortunately, there aren’t many of them but you also have two-legged people. (D. Daher). The terminology of a goofy or regular snowboard stance has been around for a long time. Imagine yourself standing on a board with your feet almost together. It’s estimated 70% of riders are regular, this is with the left foot in front facing the direction you are going. This post is going to help you get setup right. Dernier réglage, l'angle du spoiler (partie arrière de la fixation). "Goofy" and "regular" are the words used to describe whether a snowboarder rides with their left or their right foot at the front of the snowboard. Trick Tip: If you later feel like it’s more comfortable riding the other way, it’s easy to change. On optera pour un stance plutôt centré pour un débutant et sur plus ou moins de stance pour plus ou moins de pivot ou de stabilité selon votre pratique. It is expressed in degrees, either positive or negative. Most beginner rental boards are set up with a centered stance anyway, so you can ride it goofy or regular. Maintenant place au plaisir dans la whiteroom ! Some people will even switch between regular and goofy several times before they decide which is best for them. Goofy stance gets this name because most people put their left foot forward, which is called a regular stance. Une fois que vous êtes sûr d’avoir les fixations compatibles avec votre snowboard (ou vice-versa), la première chose à déterminer pour un bon réglage de vos fixations de snowboard est le stance, c’est-à-dire l’écartement entre chacun de vos pieds. Goofy doesn’t mean you have to look goofy and regular isn’t the … Pour faire simple et très court. A "regular" stance indicates the left foot leading on the board with the right foot pushing, while a "Goofy" stance leads with the right foot on the board, pushing with the left. One way to figure out if you have Natural or goofy snowboard stance is to draw (imagine) a line in the snow, sand or where ever you might be when reading this and pretend that there is a cliff over the other side of the line. If you kicked with your right foot, you might be regular. Goofy vs. Pick one or two of these techniques and give it a try. Your stance angle refers to the angle of your feet on the snowboard. Simply put, regular stance is riding with your left foot in front and goofy stance is with your right foot in front. You can always switch it up as you progress. I personally know a guy that does it and I can’t wrap my head around it. Le pied ne doit pas frotter ni à l'avant, ni à l'arrière. Stance angle is the angle at which each binding is mounted relative to the snowboard. Le pied avant en léger positif, entre 9 et 15° et le pied arrière en léger négatif, entre -3 et -6°. Then join our newsletter. The first way is done by running on snow and stopping abruptly, like on hockey skates. Son objectif est de former en commerce, marketing, management et techniques produits sport, les passionnés de sport et leur donner accès à notre réseau de partenaires de marques et enseignes du sport. Goofy stance is less common. Ca peut paraître bête, mais forcément, si vous ridez goofy (pied droit en avant), votre fix droite sera à l’avant de la planche, et vice-versa si vous êtes regular. The next test is done by standing straight with your eyes closed. Dernier conseil, gardez toujours un tournevis dans le sac pour modifier vos réglages si besoin. Let's look at some common setups … If your stance is too wide it will be more difficult to manoeuvre the board. The first time you jumped on a snowboard, the rental staff most likely set up your bindings based on their experience with beginners. It has everything to do with the preference of the rider. There are 0 comments. Plus votre angle est … Le stance dans le jargon du snowboard est l'écart entre vos deux pieds. Si vous êtes débutant, on vous conseille d'installer votre fixation avant à +15 degrés et celle arrière à 0 degrés. Une fois le stance défini, il faut définir l'angle avant et arrière de vos fixations. Si tu n’en a pas la moindre idée, reste donc par ici. I suspect it came from skateboarding, and that evolved from surfing. Il en existe deux : regular et goofy.La position regular n’est pas forcément la « bonne ». Imagine yourself on a snowboard with your feet really wide – it’s going to be really difficult to make any kind of sharp turn. Great for freestyle and park riders as this stance gives great ability to ride switch and control in the terrain park. It's easy to tell which stance you have by strapping in and riding (or even just by looking at your bindings). Plus votre angle est important, plus vous aurez un appui backside puissant et réactif... Go ! The final test can be done a couple different ways. Regular en snowboard . Afin de bien régler les fixations de snowboard, vous devez ensuite … La plupart des marques de snowboard vous propose un repère de stance recommandé. If you do any other board sports like skateboarding, surfing, wakeboarding or kiteboarding; chances are you’ll ride your snowboard the same way. La première étape pour monter vos fixations est d'orienter votre board en fonction de votre sens de glisse « goofy », pied droit devant ou « regular », pied gauche devant. Scroll on and all will be revealed… To much information it absorb at once? Regular riders have their left foot facing downhill and goofy riders do the opposite, leading with their right foot. The terms regular and goofy refer to which foot you lead with while riding. Régler le spoiler. Chaque année, 2600 personnes passent par la filière du CNPC Sport de CQP, bac à bac +5 en alternance, initial, continu et VAE. A negative angle is pointed toward the tail. Si vous avez un doute, il s'agit de votre pied d'appel... Quel pied mettez-vous en premier naturellement pour monter des escaliers ? Are you goofy or are you regular. Voilà, tout est dit, cet article est maintenant terminé… Bon d’accord, mais je préfère préciser, parce que ce serait dommage de se retrouver dans ce genre de situation : Snowboarding stance means which foot you will be riding with in front at the nose of your board. If you put your left foot in front when you go downhill, you are regular and if it is your right foot you are goofy. As a snowboarder, you’re essentially riding down the hill sideways, it’s obviously different from other ways of movement, and one of your legs has to go first. Peep this nifty snowboard infographic thingy that our sister site Mpora have pulled together, it’s pretty interesting stuff… Ever wondered why more people are regular footed than goofy footed? A regular stance leads with the left foot and places the right foot in the rear for steering. The easiest way to figure out your stance is to determine your dominant foot. Just like the nature of snowboarding itself, the way you ride your board is an expression which you are free to explore however you want. If only choosing a stance were as easy as flipping a coin, heads or tails, goofy or regular. If you are new to snowboarding, you probably don't know if you have a goofy stance or a regular stance, and that is totally OK.In fact, there is no definite way to determine a rider's stance. Chances are, that will be your front foot. En freestyle, un stance un peu plus large vous apportera plus de stabilité et plus de contrôle pour replaquer. Your riding stance (regular or goofy) is determined by which leg is leading downhill and which leg is at the rear of your board. Now there are some weirdos out there that skate goofy on a skateboard but ride a snowboard in regular stance. We're going to go over a couple tests you can do that will help you decide whether you should start riding regular or goofy. Les deux alternatives sont valides, bien que regular est la plus commune. Regular describes someone who is leading with their left leg. And with so much going on in those first few days, you probably didn’t even think about the angles of your bindings or where they were positioned on your board. Créé en 1981, le CNPC Sport est l'Ecole 100 % dédiée au commerce et à l'industrie du sport. An urban myth states that Goofy indeed played a significant role in the name giving of this snowboard and surf phenomenon. It is going to be really hard to control the board … This video will demonstrate the how to setup a setback stance and adjust your bindings so you can minimize catching edge as you go downhill on the trail. A goofy rider will usually have a stronger left (back) leg and are often left handed. When Done Correctly, It’s Connecting Your Body To The Snow Through Boots, Bindings, And Of Course The Snowboard. The position you stopped in is a good indication of which position you should snowboard in. Formateurs CNPC Sport : Manu Baudin, David Tonneau, Jérôme Tarvel. Regular stance is the most common. If you don't do any other board sports, don't worry, generally your more dominant leg will be your back foot as it will provide the most balance. Take note of which foot you put forward to keep balance. Faire du skateboard ? Think of the way you used to kick a soccer ball, better yet, actually go and kick a ball or some snow! The difference between goofy stance and regular stance is which direction you will be facing. Howe The important thing is to pick a direction to start with and get moving. Or where the term goofy actually comes from? Bindings mounted perpendicular to the side edges of the board are at 0°/0° (0° in front, 0° in back). Jordan HarringtonSnowboard AddictionOur Goal Is To Improve Your Riding, Goofy, also referred to as "fakie" riding, is s. Want even more great snowboard trick tips? Goofy Height 5’10" (178cm) Front +26° / Back +0° Width 21in (53.4cm) "I look at my stance like the radio. If you take snowboard lessons, one thing the instructor will look for and check on is that you are riding in the direction that is best for you. Think of Tom Cruise in in Risky Business. Goofy, also referred to as "fakie" riding, is someone leading with their right leg. “Regular” doesn't mean “correct.” Both stances are valid, although regular foot does tend to be more common. If your stance is too narrow it is going to give the board a really loose, unstable feel. I try and adjust my stance angles a little bit throughout the season to keep my mind fresh. Déterminer l’angle des fixations. The Mechanics of Sport Snowboarder is regular, so the rest of the set up here is done with the bindings set in a regular stance. In a very old Disney movie Goofy went on a little surf trip where he surfed with his right foot forward. Il se définit selon votre niveau et votre pratique (et bien sûr... vos sensations !). An angle where your toes are pointing towards the nose (tip/front) of the board is a positive (+) angle and a negative angle (-) is when your toes point towards the tail (back) of the board. A positive angle means the binding is turned toward the nose of the snowboard. Go get lost in some snowboard videos over at Mpora. Si les puristes vous diront toujours que tout est une question de ressenti... Vous pouvez vous baser sur différents critères pour monter vos fixations et il ne sera jamais trop tard pour réajuster votre montage par la suite selon vos sensations ! Goofy vs Regular: One stance isn’t better or worse than the other. Si vous êtes plus adeptes du backcountry et du freeride, optez plutôt pour un très léger angle à l'arrière, voir nul (0 à 5°) et un angle plus marqué à l'avant (jusqu'à 15°) pour une meilleure prise de carre et une poussée efficace en poudreuse. Goofy = Right foot forward and Regular = Left foot forward. A zero degree angle refers to your feet being completely straight across the width of the board (perpendicular). If you do not already know, now is the final time to find out what your stance type is. Le CNPC Sport prépare, sur huit campus en France, à des métiers comme vendeur technicien, manager, directeur de magasin sport, commercial marque sport, chef de produit sport, directeur commercial. Il vous sera plus facile de partir en rotation pour exécuter des tricks et de rider en switch. Votre chaussure doit être bien centrée au-dessus de votre planche. Finding the best riding stance for your size, riding style and snowboard model can be tricky for many riders, even veteran riders. Generally, this is the most common riding position. Régler ses fixations selon sa pratique ( ) Dom Daher L'Equipe, Orienter son board en fonction de son sens de glisse. Pour en savoir plus, nouveau ! Goofy est son nom d'origine en anglais, et on a pu l'apercevoir surfer avec le pied droit en avant, la position non régulière donc, dans un dessin animé de 1937 ! It’s estimated 30% of riders are goofy, the right foot is in front facing the direction you are going. (D. Daher), Vos straps doivent être centrés quand ils sont serrés. De la piste au Freeride ou Freestyle, Wed’ze vous propose tout l’équipement nécessaire pour les sports d’hiver. 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