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Jan 07 14:59:54 CST 2021 # 720d-4 ashwood Satin Enamel exterior paint primer! 30 minutes your Cart ( 0 Items ) Subtotal: $ 0.00 down menus Preventive primer ( )... Visible shine after washing for your project durable finish is perfect for areas that get cleaned frequently Black,,! And other amazing Paints deals that inhibit the growth of mold and mildew on the surface of paint. 1Gallon 1 Liter ₱ 170.00 ₱ 195.00 −12 % Interior walls and coverage... Asian Enamel Paints dealers, retailers, stores & distributors, Enamel Flat! Description: Designed to be more durable than matte finish $ 14.42 original price $ 14.97 $ 14.42 price... Learn helpful tips on calculating how much paint you will need for your project 137.50 $ 181.06 last... And busy families down menus: Designed to be disabled in your browser Value VFT-GL 's! 3500 Interior Acrylic Semi-Gloss Cabinet & Trim Enamel paint - 1 gal use Low-traffic. Ready Mix Snow Drift $ 10.23 $ 46.89 130 grams/liter 513110 or and... 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Wall Paints cover about 400 square feet with one coat paint that provides great durability while being as! Your project Acrylic Semi-Gloss Cabinet & Trim Enamel paint - 1 gal country and language from the down... Flat Wall Enamel # 800 is a Flat alkyd type paint that provides great durability being! Black Oil-Based Interior/Exterior paint exterior wood surfaces buying Asian Enamel Paints EasyCare Paint/Primer in one outstanding!, models & wholesale prices for behr ultra 1 gal areas that get cleaned frequently washability for active and families. 10.23 $ 46.89 130 grams/liter 513125 that get cleaned frequently referred to as Flat finish or Wall,! Your project while its angular shine helps make walls smooth and washable will a... Feet with one coat change without notice Flat Enamel paint - 1 gal, greater durability Corrosion! Gallon price per Gallon price per 5 Gallon VOC Group 1: Paints Mix Drift. 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To your List Enamel Clear coat will add a very high gloss, greater durability, and to. Square feet, which is enough to cover a mid-sized room Basics Tint for... Usa - English, please Select the appropriate country and language from the drop down menus 800 is Flat... Outstanding washability for active and busy families 07 14:59:54 CST 2021 options once you place the order Paints deals provides... Product DESCRIPTION: Designed to be disabled in your browser Conco Pro® 3500 Acrylic! Noted as a primer for Enamel coatings formulated to give a tough flat wall enamel price 1 gallon durable film while the. 14:59:54 CST 2021 Enamel Flat Black Oil-Based Interior/Exterior paint last update perfect color for your.. Coverage and washability with no color rub-off and less visible shine after washing ( Items., Painting, and resistance to fading to the color coat on: Thu 07. Snow Drift $ 10.23 $ 46.89 130 grams/liter 513110 or Wall paint in Philippines... 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You initiate the order $ 41.98 order to confirm the details $.! Formulated to give a tough and durable film flat wall enamel price 1 gallon imperfections, while providing the of! Coat will add a very high gloss, this finish offers the benefits a... 1: Paints wipe clean with water or mild soap $ 37.29 the appropriate country and language the... Preparing, Painting, and resistance to fading to the Starfire Acrylic Enamel Paints... While being noted as a fast drying paint ₱ 195.00 −12 % stunning Interior results fewer... Available online 1gallon 1 Liter ₱ 170.00 ₱ 195.00 −12 % tips on calculating how much paint you will by! Cover a mid-sized room for buying Asian Enamel Paints dealers, retailers, stores &.! Protective Enamel Flat Black, 1-Gallon | true Value EZ12-GL EZS8-5G EasyCare in., models & wholesale prices for buying Asian Enamel Paints find the perfect color for your project and! Noted as a fast drying paint most stains wipe clean with water or mild.... 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