If undergoing medical therapies, then consult with your respective Therapist or Health Care Professional about possible interactions between your Treatment, any Pharmaceuticals or Drugs being given, and possible nutritional supplements or practices hosted on Examine.com. [51] The authors concluded that the synergism occured via enhancing G1 cellular arrest, which was confirmed by less DNA synthesis and improved Rb protein (mediator of G1) actions. and the Indian jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. jujuba intercropping. Ziziphus mauritianaleaves contain 13-17% crude protein and 15% fibre, and make an excellent fodder for livestock. [38] This was thought to be secondary to anti-oxidant effects in the brain. Ziziphus lotus L. [27] These authors hypothesized that the increase in SCFAs explained the observed effects, as SCFAs have been previously linked to mucosal stimulation[44] although the decrease in mucosinase may also partly explain the moisture content. Ziziphus mauritiana leaves were obtained from a local market, cleaned, dried and ground into powder. ** Not applicable or data not available. The main biologically active components are vitamin C, phenolics, flavonoids, triterpenic acids, and polysaccharides. [29], The seeds of Ziziphus jujube have been implicated in reducing anxiety, in accordance with their traditional usage. (syn. mauritiana leaves with 31 mg GAE/g DW showed the highest total antioxidant capacity compared to those of Z. lotus , while Z. mauritiana seeds (21 mg GAE/g DW) showed the lowest value. [2], In a screening of estrogenicity between medical plants, the fruits of Ziziphus (95% ethanolic extract) failed to show any estrogenic or anti-estrogenic effects at concentrations below 1mg/mL.[49]. [52], 5-HTP is an animo acid derivative that is made from tryptophan, and proceeds to be metabolized into the neurotransmitter serotonin and subsequently melatonin; secondary to melatonin, it may help sleep. [30] This enhancement of sedation may be mediated via the flavonoid spinosin and vicariously through post-synaptic 5-HT(1A) receptors (serotonin receptor), with synergistic augmentation when paired with 5-HT1A antagonists at 15mg/kg spinosin. This page features 56 references. [36], One animal study noted that, using middle-aged mice, 40-100mg/kg of the methanol extract for 30 days resulted in neuronal proliferation. Examine.com and its Editors do not ensure that unforeseen side effects will not occur even at the proper dosages, and thereby does not assume liability for any side effects from supplements or practices hosted under the domain of Examine.com. It tolerates extremely dry habitats and is an extremely valuable tree for people that live in such climates. var. Keywords: Ziziphus jujuba var. from China, Extract process of cyclic adenosinemonophosphate (cAMP) in Ziziphus jujuba, Characterization of nucleosides and nucleobases in fruits of Ziziphus jujuba by UPLC-DAD-MS, Essential and toxic elements in three Pakistan's medicinal fruits (Punica granatum, Ziziphus jujuba and Piper cubeba) analysed by INAA, Characterization of water soluble polysaccharides from organs of Chinese Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. long, straight, the shorter one decurved. Jujube is cultivated to some extent throughout its natural range but mostly in China and India where it is grown commercially and has received much horticultural attention and refinement. Ziziphus mauritiana is Beneficial in Increasing Immunity: Presence of flavonoids naturally captures free radicals in blood circulatory system that cause heart blockage and many other cardiovascular problems. fruit belonging to the Rhamnaceous family grows mostly in Europe, southern and eastern Asia, and Australia, especially the inland region of northern China. The essential oils from the seeds of Ziziphus Jujuba appear to be able to induce hair regrowth in mice when topically applied. jujuba, and spinosa are among the different species of this plant, and Ziziphus mauritiana is another name for Z. jujube Mill. Hydroalcoholic extract was achieved according to Nagappan [12] with some modifications. [48], Concentrations of 1-50mcg/mL Zizyphus Jujuba was able to suppress adipogenesis, with the chloroform fraction and ethyl acetate fractions showing efficacy while the water and butanol fractions were ineffective; with the ethyl acetate fraction, GPDH activity was reduced to 50% in vitro in response to 25ug/mL while 50ug/mL of the chloroform fraction reduced GPDH to 20%. This chapter discusses the origin and importance of the Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) [1] The botanical name for this plant is Ziziphus zizyphus, and commonly referred to as either Jujube or Jujuba (with the former being technically correct but as common); other names for the fruit of this plant are Chinese Date, Korean Date, Indian Date, or Red Date. [32], The ethanolic extract of the seeds has been found to prolong hexobarbital-induced sleeping time at 1g/kg, but not 500mg/kg; no influence was noted on sleep latency (time required to fall asleep) and an impairment of waking locomotion was found at the dose that induces sedation. Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. [55] This decoction was shown to suppress LPS-induced IFNγ release without inducing IFNγ itself, and induced the activity of ERK (one of the three major MAPK subsets) in one immune cell line while activating all major three subsets (ERK, JNK, p38) in another; suggesting potential immunomodulatory properties. Jujube flavonoids have once been found to act synergistically with 2mg/kg 5-HTP in inducing sleep in rats. This chapter discusses the origin and importance of the Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) [40] Even lower concentrations (0.05-5mcg/mL) appear to protect neurons from glutaminergic excitotoxicity, secondary to preventing an influx of calcium. Dongzao), Structural characterization of polysaccharides from Zizyphus jujuba and evaluation of antioxidant activity, Effects of water-soluble carbohydrate concentrate from Chinese jujube on different intestinal and fecal indices, Distribution of free amino acids, flavonoids, total phenolics, and antioxidative activities of Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) fruits and seeds harvested from plants grown in Korea, Screening of Korean herbal medicines used to improve cognitive function for anti-cholinesterase activity, Anxiolytic effect of seed of Ziziphus jujuba in mouse models of anxiety, Exploration of mice in a black and white test box: validation as a model of anxiety, Chinese herbal medicine for insomnia: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials, Potentiating effect of spinosin, a C-glycoside flavonoid of Semen Ziziphi spinosae, on pentobarbital-induced sleep may be related to postsynaptic 5-HT(1A) receptors, Hypnotic effect of jujubosides from Semen Ziziphi Spinosae, Comparison of the sedative and hypnotic effects of flavonoids, saponins, and polysaccharides extracted from Semen Ziziphus jujube, Hydroalcoholic extract of Zizyphus jujuba ameliorates seizures, oxidative stress, and cognitive impairment in experimental models of epilepsy in rats, Zizyphus enhances cell proliferation and neuroblast differentiation in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus in middle-aged mice, Zizyphus attenuates ischemic damage in the gerbil hippocampus via its antioxidant effect, Inhibitory effect of jujuboside A on glutamate-mediated excitatory signal pathway in hippocampus, Inhibitory effect of jujuboside A on penicillin sodium induced hyperactivity in rat hippocampal CA1 area in vitro, Protection of NMDA-induced neuronal cell damage by methanol extract of zizyphi spinosi semen in cultured rat cerebellar granule cells, The inhibitory effects of jujuboside A on rat hippocampus in vivo and in vitro, Inhibitory effects of jujuboside A on EEG and hippocampal glutamate in hyperactive rat, The peristaltic reflex induced by short-chain fatty acids is mediated by sequential release of 5-HT and neuronal CGRP but not BDNF, Ziziphus jujuba extract for the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation: a controlled clinical trial, Possible attenuation of nitric oxide expression in anti-inflammatory effect of Ziziphus jujuba in rat, Anti-inflammatory activity of seed essential oil from Zizyphus jujuba, Screening of a functional polysaccharide from Zizyphus Jujuba cv. [50] This study noted that 1% and 10% (content of Ziziphus Jujuba oil in lotion) applied daily to the skin resulted in 11.4% and 12% longer hairs over 21 days, while 0.1% was not significantly effective. [34], PHY906 is a term used to refer to a decoction of four herbs that has usage in Traditional Chinese Medicine under the name of Huang-Qin-Tang, one of which is Ziziphus Jujuba. Introduction. We found only four genes under positive selection between Z. jujuba and Z. acidojujuba, and two genes for Z. mauritiana vs. Z. spina-christi, respectively, while half of the 78 protein-coding genes experienced positive selection between the two groups. ; Z. sativa Gaertn. The jujube tree is a species of Ziziphus in the buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae). of the family Rhamnaceae, is of ancient culture in northern China and is widely grown in mild-temperate, rather dry areas, of both hemispheres, the Indian jujube, Z. mauritiana Lam. Jinsixiaozao and its property, Screening of estrogenic and antiestrogenic activities from medicinal plants, Hair growth promoting effect of Zizyphus jujuba essential oil, Green tea extract enhances the selective cytotoxic activity of Zizyphus jujuba extracts in HepG2 cells, Combination of Zizyphus jujuba and green tea extracts exerts excellent cytotoxic activity in HepG2 cells via reducing the expression of APRIL, Old formula, new Rx: the journey of PHY906 as cancer adjuvant therapy, A comprehensive platform for quality control of botanical drugs (PhytomicsQC): a case study of Huangqin Tang (HQT) and PHY906, CKBM stimulates MAPKs but inhibits LPS-induced IFN-gamma in lymphocytes, Anti-steroidogenic activity of the two Indian medicinal plants in mice, https://examine.com/supplements/ziziphus-jujuba/. It is also referred to asbedara, ber (i.e. [46] Serum Nitrate showed similar results, with a dose-dependent reduction with Jujube but more efficacy with Indomethacin. "sidrah", pl. This group has a controversial taxonomy, with more than 200 species described, including Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. [38], Other possible mechanisms associated with neuroprotection could be antagonism of excitotoxicity. It may possess anxiety-reducing and sedative properties. Green Tea Catechins (Green tea extract, GTE) appears to enhance the cytotoxicity of Jujube. 3: 319. Ziziphus jujuba (Chinese jujube) (Ziziphus sativa), Effect of Zizyphus jujuba extract on the inhibition of adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, The antifungal, cytotoxic, antitermite and insecticidal activities of Zizyphus jujube, Ethnobotanical survey of antidiarrhoeal plants of Parinche valley, Pune district, Maharashtra, India, Simultaneous determination of saponins and fatty acids in Ziziphus jujuba (Suanzaoren) by high performance liquid chromatography-evaporative light scattering detection and pressurized liquid extraction, Zizyphus jujuba and its Active Component Jujuboside B Inhibit Platelet Aggregation, Three new cyclopeptide alkaloids from Zizyphus species, Simultaneous qualitative and quantitative analysis of triterpenic acids, saponins and flavonoids in the leaves of two Ziziphus species by HPLC-PDA-MS/ELSD, Determination of zizybeoside II of Ziziphus jujuba by HPLC, Characterization of triterpenic acids in fruits of ziziphus species by HPLC-ELSD-MS, UHPLC-TOFMS coupled with chemometric method as a powerful technique for rapid exploring of differentiating components between two Ziziphus species, Anti-complementary activity of triterpenoides from fruits of Zizyphus jujuba, Triterpenoids isolated from Zizyphus jujuba inhibit foam cell formation in macrophages, Antioxidant and antilisterial effect of seed essential oil and organic extracts from Zizyphus jujuba, Effect of Drying of Jujubes ( Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) [50] Interestingly, these same doses of essential oils have been linked to fairly potent anti-inflammatory effects,[47] and may be related to hair growth. Ziziphus mauritiana is widely cultivated in dry areas throughout the tropics. jujuba) and Indian jujube (Z. mauritiana), as … jujuba intercropping and lucerne/Z. The nutritional jujube (Ziziphus jujube Mill.) With some bioactive polysaccharides (totalling 5.1-6.76% total weight in these two studies,[25][26] reporting a third (not available online) citing 4.42 to 7.91%;[26] these are 77.1% of dry weight, since the fruits have a high water content[27]) consisting of: Neutral polysaccharide (arabinose, xylose, mannose, glucose and galactose at 0.3:0.2:0.2:1:0.7 ratios)[26] which appears to have anti-oxidant properties, Acidic polysaccharides containing rhamnose, arabinose, xylose, mannose, glucose and galactose in a ratio of either 0.3:9.6:0.1:0.4:1:12.1 or 3:16.8:1.2:0.2:1:12.2[26] that are also anti-oxidant in nature, Acidic polysaccharide with rhamnose, arabinose, xylose, glucose and galactose at 21:24:2:1:20[26], Many compounds are structurally similar to Apigenin, as Swertish is an Apigenin molecule with a methoxy (-OCH3) group at the 7-carbon instead of a hydroxy (-OH) group and a single glucose bound to it; Puerarin is an isomer of Swertish with the glucose bound to the 8 carbon rather than the 6 carbon. Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf. (Lam.) All factual claims are followed by specifically-applicable references. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Materials and Methods In this study, 43 occurrences of Ziziphus jujuba were recorded and used in the maximum entropy distribution modeling approach (MaxEnt) with five environmental variables. Examine.com and its Editors do not advocate nutritional supplementation over proper medical advice or treatment and this sentiment will never be expressed through pages hosted under Examine.com. In contrast to the Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) that is native to the temperate regions of China (Liu et al. This one study noted that in HepG2 cells (liver carcinoma cells) that cytotoxicity at 100ug/mL Jujube (chloroform extract) reduced viability of cells to 80%, and under the influence of 30ug/mL GTE this was enhanced to about 60%. [37] Most of this enhancement was due to increased amounts of tertiary dendrites at both concentrations (354% and 579%, respectively), suggesting dendritic proliferation or an attenuation of dendritic loss associated with aging. on the Contents of Sugars, Organic Acids, α-Tocopherol, β-Carotene, and Phenolic Compounds, Isolation and Purification of Flavonoids from Ziziphus jujuba by High-Speed Counter-Current Chromatography, Unified approach to catechin hetero-oligomers: first total synthesis of trimer EZ-EG-CA isolated from Ziziphus jujuba, Isolation of rutin from the leaves of Zizyphus jujuba Mill, Systematic evaluation of antioxidant capacities of the ethanolic extract of different tissues of jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Basionym: ** Type: MAURITIUS: Without data, Sonnerat s.n. [27], Currently one clinical trial has been conducted with Ziziphus Jujuba and constipation, where in persons with prolonged transit time (indicative of constipation) symptoms normalized in 84% of the Jujube group and 12% of the placebo group with better improvement in quality of life associated with Jujube. and the Indian jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. https://examine.com/supplements/ziziphus-jujuba/, © 2011-2021 Examine.com Inc | Privacy | Terms of Service | Disclaimer | About Us | Contact Examine.com. [46], In mice, the essential oil of Jujube seeds at 1-10% is as effective (when applied topically) in suppressing skin inflammation as 1% Hydrocortisone as assessed by thickness and more effective in reducing water content of the ear. There is also a greater difference between the 'wild' and cultivated varieties of Z. mauritiana than between Z. mauritiana and Z. nummularia. Enter your email and we'll keep you on top of the latest nutrition research, supplement myths, and more. Jujube fruit (Ziziphus jujuba) come from the small and deciduous jujube tree. followed by specifically-applicable references. This plant is known as Ennab and Annab in the Arabic and Persian languages, respectively. dietitians, physicians, and pharmacists. The team includes nutrition researchers, registered dietitians, physicians, and pharmacists. [2] It also appears to have antifungal and insecticidal properties,[3] and in some areas it is also reported to be antidiarrhoeal.[4]. [51], Mechanistically, an increased level of ROS (oxidation) occurred in the Jujube condition which correlated with cellular death; this was not enhanced or hindered by GTE[51] but instead the combination appeared to further change the cell cycle relative to control HepG2, where Jujube in isolation and the combination to a greater degree increased the amount of cells in the G1 phase while reducing the amount in G2/M and S phases. Yield losses caused by the disease became more and more serious in recent years. [47] The only current study on the subject matter is one in female mice given an ethyl acetate fraction of Jujube (consisting of polyphenolics and flavanoids) at 60-240mg/kg bodyweight appeared to reduce the weight of the ovaries and inhibit the estrus cycle, with a greater potency than the other herb tested (Croton roxburghii). ZIZIPHUS MAURITIANA Lamarck, Encycl. [35] At a dose of phenobarbitol that was seen as suboptimal (able to induce sleep in a minority of animals), the amount of animals who managed to sleep increased from 20% to 90% with the saponins (70% with flavonoids). Ziziphus Jujuba (Chinese Date) is a fruit-bearing plant belonging to the Rhamnaceae family and the Ziziphus genus, with the species of Zizyphus. Briefly, 20 grams of powder were macerated with 88% ethanol (5 volumetric parts) and water (5 volumetric parts). [36] A reduction in physical contractions was also noted, with absolute (100% protection) against pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures and 66.7% in electricity-induced convulsions at 1g/kg (the dose required for sedation), with lower doses being effective but to a lesser degree. Whereas the flavonoid and polyphenolic profile contains: Apigenin[17] and its diglucoside Isovitexin[17], Swertish and Puerarin as monoglucoside flavonoids[17], Spinosin and Isospinosin as diglucoside flavonoids, 6'''-feruloylspinosin and 6'''-feruloylisospinosin as related molecules[17] and 6'''- Is a species of this plant, and more the shoots and fruit of the experiment to. Invasive in some areas, including Chinese jujube ( Ziziphus jujuba features 56 unique references scientific!, chemometrics keep you on top of the vernacular name and zizyphus is from the of... And references for this page is regularly updated, to include the most recently available clinical trial evidence throughout. 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