Their diminutive size makes the world a scary place. Their typical eagerness to play is likely to keep many households busy. Believe it or not, Cesar's Way suggests that one cause of dog aggression is a lack of adequate exercise. They have a chance to walk up to see them in closer proximity. If you search up “dog attacks” I can almost guarantee at least 3 videos of a chihuahua attacking someone, or even its owner would pop up on the recommended list. 20 Different Types of Chihuahuas My different types of chihuahuas I have owned many different types…, Learning The Common Chihuahua Health Problems - the Ultimate Guide Common chihuahua health problems can be…, Why do Chihuahuas burrow under blankets? That said, chihuahuas still are one of the most lovable companions anyone could ask for. Mean Chihuahuas are usually mean as a reaction. These little dogs always want to be on you, or at the very least, touching you. They can also seek to dominate their owners and be somewhat temperamental. If after utilizing all the advice which is listed in the article, you have not noticed any visible results, then it is best that you seek advice from a professional dog trainer and also ask your veterinarian to prescribe appropriate medication for your Chihuahua. This may benefit your pet. They want to keep the people away from them. Ask the child to read a book or watch television but to ignore the Chihuahua. Sure any dog likes a good toy every now and then but you know what Chihuahuas really like? However, Chihuahuas are considered ‘Clan’ish’ dogbreeds. These behavior leads to euthanasia in large breeds for the safety of humans. Try this regime, for this you would need kids who are friendly with dogs: In this way your Chihuahua has now associated itself with a child and has happy memories which includes its treats, blanket and his favorite bed. Some dogs are aggressive since they have been puppies. My puppy is 40 pounds, and the two of them play together lots. Let’s say it was a large breed dog. I remember watching the Beverly Hills Chihuahua trilogy with the tiny, talking dad chihuahua was always trying to stand up for his family to someone if he thought the person was a threat, regardless of whether the person actually was one. Dogs are arguably one of the most loved and common animals in a human home. Think of it like meeting a new person for the first time, if they appear to mean or are known to be, you’re more likely to have an attitude or some hostility toward them. But, there can always be danger around, whether it’s a big dog with a mean attitude, people walking who aren’t watching where they’re stepping, so keeping chihuahuas in your sight while letting them walk around is key. I've been keeping chihuahuas for over 27 years and I enjoy every second of it. The love cuddles. It is best if you don’t allow them to get away with things just because of their small size. No matter how much we might want to train or pamper chihuahuas, finding that balance is essential to keeping any breed of dog happy. Pick the toy that your Chihuahua loves but does not guard. To many people, the sight of a tiny Chihuahua barking, snarling and being aggressive is rather funny, as it is so out of context in terms of the dog’s size! You may even ask your Veterinarian to refer a reputed dog trainer for your Chihuahua. But like I said, before the main factor in how a chihuahua act is how it’s raised. Chihuahuas are very loyal dogs. Even strangers who have never had a chihuahua also comment about their pets. If you pick up the chihuahua and get bitten. If you are worried about your Chihuahua's aggressiveness, review your exercise routine. It may not seem like it sometimes, but social distancing can have its perks! Every chihuahua is not aggressive but some can be of an aggressive nature. Lots of pups produced for very little cost and sold cheap. Chihuahua owners often hear unkind comments about their loved pet’s temperament. not knowing if your chihuahua is feeling sick or how to care for your chihuahua when they are sick can be VERY stressful! I started the Chihuahua Center in 2007 to share my love and knowledge about these amazing little dogs with others. Most of the time, people don’t give chihuahuas a chance to be affectionate as soon as they meet them, leave alone after a few weeks. ANY dog, or animal for that matter, can be mean, it isn’t a trait only certain breeds of dog possess. Because they can be very jealous and possessive, Chihuahuas will often be indifferent or even downright mean to strangers. Chihuahuas live for love and adoration. When a Chihuahua feels like he or his human is being threatened, he will bark, yap, jump or even bite. This is also the reason why the Chihuahua owners form a much stronger community then other dogbreeds. Why Are Chihuahuas So Mean? By now, I hope I made it pretty clear that saying all chihuahuas are mean is really just a stereotype. Usually, the fault in their behavior is not because they all are generally mean, but more of how they were raised. They could be cold, but usually, do that when they are excited about something. Because they are so small -- most Chihuahuas tip the scale well below 6 pounds -- we as humans tend to treat them differently than larger dogs. Then in a stern voice ask it to “drop it” and if he lets go, you need to reward him with a treat. One of the most common reasons why Chihuahuas shake and shiver is simply because they are cold. Not so surprisingly, that time period can be the most important. Please log in again. Things of that nature can make people quick to believe chihuahuas are mean when in actuality, it really isn’t their fault. OK, so here’s the deal, most Chihuahuas are mean because they are easily frightened by many things. Yes, most chihuahuas do have strong personalities but it is important to understand where their personality traits originate from. My roommate has a chihuahua and does a great job training her, and she's pretty well socialized. That’s how it is for many chihuahuas, who tend to think they need to “fight” to protect their tiny behinds. But are chihuahuas mean? Of course, such behavior earns them the reputation of hyper dogs. Marthina McClay, CPDT-KA Marthina McClay is a professional dog trainer, behavior specialist for all breeds of dogs and the director of Our Pack, Inc. a non-profit education and rescue organization for pit bulls and Chihuahuas. Chihuahuas are favored by puppy mills because they are so small and can be stacked in cages 6 deep. … Then play with your dog for a few minutes. It is the same with chihuahuas. If you have come to know that the Chihuahua was abused by children you will need to start a positive experience for your Chihuahua. It used to crack me up seeing him with the long strips of sunscreen on his belly and sunglasses like he had no care in the world. You can find individuals who are lively or placid. Of course, now, it could be difficult now with the social distancing that is put in place. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Again, $300 for a puppy or even free if you can wait and watch. Now ask the child to pet the Chihuahua and also ask the child to give the Chihuahua a treat. Put simply: Your Chi does not consciously set out to be evil. Training. Just like the we instinctively shiver in cold temperatures, so do Chihuahuas. so humans are the main contributors to that smell that can develop. She also talks through her […] If this is the concern then there are numerous ways to deal with it. Can Drug Dogs Smell Vape Cartridges & Pens, Why Does My Dog Put His Paw on Me and Push, Euthanize Dog at Home with Sleeping Pills. You can find Chihuahuas who are energetic or calm. Other than that generalization, Chihuahuas are extremely variable. Well the answer is No. Essentially, everywhere in the world, but even for your chihuahua to be able to bark across the fence to the neighboring dog could influence their behavior greatly. They can definitely recognize a threat and maybe tiny physically but they themselves don’t realize they are small. Often shaking that occurs because the dog is nervous or upset will be accompanied by barking, whining, and other signs. Walk away with the toy & then come back and give it the toy again. The login page will open in a new tab. For most people, that means finding a companion to humor themselves with, and often it’s an animal. Sometimes chihuahuas can get shakes and quiver a bit but don’t be alarmed. It is not a breed-specific trait, but rather the result of their early life experiences and training. Carrying them around constantly could give them the wrong idea about the world, that it’s unsafe for him to walk around in and more. As a pet owner you have the authority to intervene and act like a guardian. Let’s now discuss mean behavior in depth. They don’t like people touching them. I, mighty warrior, lord of the rocky beach terrain, claim this spot of the beach! That’s why they aren’t typically recommended for a family but exposure to other dogs or humans can actually be helpful to make them. Make the children walk by your Chihuahua and put treats on the floor without paying attention to your dog. My neighbor’s dog Poppy used to love sunbathing on the grass and then swimming with us in the kiddie pool we owned. You can have whole family lines of chihuahuas either very mellow or very fiery in terms of personality. A lack of affection from an owner will make chihuahuas more mean and hostile. I understand it is easy to lose patience with a chihuahua. This is an important thing to understand. Chihuahuas are aggressive in the hopes that it will scare bigger threats away. One thing to remember when your chihuahua might be acting somewhat snappy or mean is that they tend to like just chilling with their owner snuggled under some nice, fluff blankets. chihuahuas should be bathed at least twice a month, otherwise they develop an unpleasant smell. Chihuahuas have a natural instinct to protect what they believe is their property, including toys, food, treats, water, beds, people and home. Why are Chihuahuas so mean? We tend to see chihuahuas as lap dogs. Mean behavior can indicate something is amiss. 36 FUNNIEST Angry Chihuahua DOG Videos You CAN"T Watch Without LAUGHING - Duration: 9:56. Think of it like meeting a new person for the first time, if they appear to mean or are known to be, you’re more likely to have an attitude or some hostility toward them. It may be tempting now to let your dog stay cooped up inside the house, as now it’s become evident that animals can contract COVID- 19, but a walk around the neighborhood along with your chihuahua and, some protection, of course, can really help lift their spirits. If you pick up the chihuahua and get bitten. Try this for a few weeks and then see if there is any change in the behavior of the Chihuahua. However, chihuahuas actually do not like to play for long periods of time, 5-10 minutes at most. If it gets upset when you take up the toy, get it away from it, leave the room that very minute and ignore him for a couple of minutes. Another problem though some people might face with their Chihuahuas, that chihuahuas can have is housebreaking. chihuahuas tend to want to hide their illness, so it is up to you to check your chihuahua for abnormalities. Why do little dogs exhibit more behavior problems than big dogs? Listed below are some of the reasons: Here are certain strategies to start using when your Chihuahua gets aggressive with a human. Loyalty. I mean, imagine you were a seven inch, five and a half pound dog and a 5’8 rich elderly woman in a fancy suit was trying to pick you up and stuff you in her nearly priceless Prada bag. If you want to understand the breed’s temperament, this article will surely help you out. Boredom. The chihuahua loves people, is never angry or aggressive, and only barks when she hears my dog and wants to come upstairs to play. They may have had a bad past and might be abused by the previous owner which you might not be well aware of. When you consider the fact that rescue dogs are more… What I have learned About – Chihuahua Health Problems. Ninja poop. Chihuahuas are good family pets when treated respectfully, but they have a reputation for snapping at strangers or small children who may be threatening to their diminutive size. However, other than the breed-stereotype of Chihuahuas being mean, tiny dogs, Chihuahuas actually vary greatly in personality. If your pet is brave enough to approach and eat the treats it is a good sign. Chihuahuas shake when they are nervous or upset. Trust me when I say Chihuahuas know their worth. Causes of dog aggression. Once again, you’re probably confused again considering all we’ve been talking about is the aggressiveness a chihuahua can have but let me tell you a quick story. It may be because you have hurt the chihuahua while you were attempting to pick the dog up. So don’t be afraid to reward your chihuahua with a treat or play with them in the yard once in a while. If your Chihuahua is adopted. You can now place treats on the blanket which is kept in the child’s lap to encourage the Chihuahua to interact with your pet. Although not “discovered” until the 19th century, the breed is believed to be … This makes them aggressive when they grow up. Chihuahuas live for love and adoration. It is very important to establish a good relationship with your chihuahua at a young age, but at the same time, it’s also important that you let them socialize with other dogs and other people as well. Like many small dogs, they may be more prone to barking than some larger dogs. Mean Chihuahua protecting kitten - Duration: 1:03. If it does not work seek advice from a trainer. 1:03. If you don’t do that they would reciprocate aggressively as they want to protect themselves from others treating them like soft toys and hurting them. They want to keep the people away from them. You can't trust them to be gentle, even with a piece of watermelon. With an average weight of just 2-4 pounds, Chihuahuas are one of the smallest dog breeds and the world; therefore, they are more susceptible to the effects of cold weather. But at the same time, it’s important to raise your chihuahua to be confident in themselves and around others. They are actually very protective dogs who will stand up to anyone if provoked. Yes, chihuahuas do like to be coddled, but really only to a certain extent. Chihuahuas actually love the sunlight, the same can be said for basically all dogs. Even they can growl and bite. Chihuahuas enjoy the companionship of other Chihuahuas. Poppy was always exciting to see. Chihuahua are small in size and thus many owners allow them to get away with many things. Sometimes this behavior is related to poor breeding and early trauma. They are Perfect for Our Apartment Home. Instead, they are reacting to their surroundings. Maybe your Chihuahua lived in a house which had many children who used to handle it roughly like a toy and that is the reason why it is not very comfortable with people around them. Dogs may not talk (except on television commercials), but if you watch your Chihuahua’s body language, you soon find out how to read her needs and even predict her next move. Many dogs show aggression because of the pain they have felt. Reasons for Denying Pet Adoption – How Hard is It? this is actually due to the skin cells that humans sloth off onto the chihuahua! They lose body heat quickly, and just as you shake when you are cold, so will your Chihuahua. Cuddling! However, this generally is in certain dogs and you should not blame the whole species for it. Chihuahuas are prone to acting aggressively for the same reasons any dog may behave aggressively, due to … It probably would help energize you a little more too! As the world continues to suffer from the effects of COVID-19, people must try and entertain themselves in the comfort of their own home. Although a Chihuahua may not be as dangerous as a larger dog, a Chihuahua is still capable of biting and causing damage, especially to a child or older person. They can be pretty obedient. Sometimes dogs being aggressive is because of the person who is try to hold or touch the dog. Pick the toy and give it to him. But let me give chihuahuas their credit, they are extremely headstrong animals that aren’t easily pushed around. That's why we tell the truth about chihuahuas, and save lives. I know that chihuahuas can have their bitter outbursts from time to time, and it might seem like they might literally explode with angry energy. Stress. Vedder 32,017 views. But honestly, who doesn’t like a good cuddle? I'm James Cork, a.k.a "Chihuahua James", the old guy behind Chihuahua Center. If you’re a dog owner, more likely than not you’ve been with that dog since its birth or early weeks or years. All rights reserved. Meaning that they get along with their own kind better than others. Get useful tips to help you keep your chihuahua healthy, happy, and thriving for a long time & you can ask any questions about your chihuahua! When I was younger, my family had a neighbor who had a pet chihuahua named Poppy. If I am writing an article, email, or basically doing anything that my dog can lay on … There’s a reason they are also known as ankle biters! So loyal, in fact, that they become jealous of other people … I want you to get that stereotype that chihuahuas are mean out of your head. Just make sure the other dogs or people are nice to your chihuahua, or it will defeat the whole purpose of trying to brighten your dog’s mood when the other person and dog are a mood killer. It is important that Chihuahuas are taught to walk on their own four feet early on and coexist with the rest of the world. Obviously this isn't universal. They aren’t, I promise – Many people still ask all the time: Why are chihuahuas so mean? It’s important that in those early weeks of your chihuahua’s life you smother your chihuahua with affection, kindness, and every other synonym for love in the dictionary. A chihuahua’s small size can put them at a real disadvantage. Another possibility is that she needs to be neutered, I always suggests neutering animals as I believe … People sometimes don’t realize that a more temperamental chihuahua isn’t just like that because it wants to be, genetics is probably the reasoning behind it. It would be completely reasonable if you were a little “mean” or aggressive”. Leave a trail of treats to your Chihuahua’s favorite place and get the child to wait there with a blanket along with your Chihuahua’s bed. If they aren’t in a fancy-looking purse, they are carried in your arms or some sort of dog carrier. It wasn’t until one of us got into the blanket burrow with him that he would be responsive, sprawling himself across our laps petting the back of his neck. Sometimes strangers approaching the things Chihuahua love can be an issue for them and the only option for them is to show aggressiveness. Gradually ask the child to feed the treat by his hand. These are tiny dogs and they have that high metabolism. You, and along with most people, though probably don’t include Chihuahuas, which is totally understandable but needless. Connection to the Maya. It is the same with chihuahuas. Chihuahuas do tend to be “one-person” pets, meaning they stick with the person they feel more comfortable around and match them energy-wise. Or the King’s Cocker Spaniel your neighbor owns does more than circle around you happily when you get out the house but it’s true. You must immediately intervene. Even a small dog needs adequate exercise and mental stimulation. Listed below are certain things which you need to start using as strategies: To help them be nice when they have the treasure, certain steps need to be followed. Your Chihauhua (Chi for short) communicates through her facial expressions, including her ears, eyes, brows, lips, nose, and mouth. Chihuahuas are absolutely brimming with personality – often a quirky and eccentric personality unmatched by any other breed. In fact, letting your chihuahua interact with dogs or other humans from a distance at first can be a better way to introduce a young chihuahua to new things. Follow Us On Twitter, Like Our Facebook Page, Join Our Private Facebook Group, Follow us on Instagram, Follow us on Pinterest, Subscribe on Our YouTube Channel or Sign Up for Our RSS Feed. My family is well versed in city life and apartment living. For example, having them use the bathroom out in the grass once in a while or taking a walk when the sun is out. If your Chihuahua is interested in guarding its treasure you must make him understand that if they misbehave the treasure will be taken away from them. Nope, at least not naturally. A lack of affection from an owner will make chihuahuas more mean and hostile. A dog is going to act according to how you treat it. It is often a case that the dog is scared. Would you have allowed the dog to do the same thing which you allow your chihuahua to do? But every now and then, we need to breathe some outdoor air.Chihuahuas are very notorious for just liking to stay in the house all day, especially when the weather is bad, (a plus is that you don’t have to expect any muddy pawprints in the house) so forcing them outside out of the blue can upset them and isn’t the way to go about it. Of course, it would be ignorant of me to disregard the fact that certain breeds can face more challenges than others that can affect their attitudes towards people and other dogs, but what matters most is how an animal is raised. It could be genetics but naturally their small, but still very adorable, size makes them a little more vulnerable compared to other dogs. The dog would play and run around my family with so much energy and then all of a sudden run into our apartment complex and jump onto the couch burrowing into the blankets we kept on there sometimes like he all of sudden remembered he was tired. Any dog can be mean. Mort happily goes outside to the toilet first thing, then 10 minutes later he’ll run up two … It didn’t matter how much I and my siblings tried to get him up, he just laid there, in his own little world, oblivious to the annoying kids waving his toy in front of his face. Aggression originates from the below: Pain: Many dogs show aggression because of the pain they have felt. Once you have found out the reason for the aggressive behavior you can address the issue in a better manner. He would basically stay there in the makeshift hole he made the whole time our neighbor would be over. They might have been rough with them. Unlike some dogs, chihuahuas need limited training. Every dog has its specific characteristics. If you see that someone is handling the Chihuahua roughly. Every chihuahua is not aggressive but some can be of an aggressive nature. On the negative side of their reputation, Chihuahuas are often perceived as “yappy” or “mean.” Poorly trained and un-socialized toy dogs may be more prone to aggressive behaviors than the breeds often accused of being aggressive, such as Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, and Dobermans. Sometimes it’s okay to be a homebody, I know I am one, and coronavirus is sort of forcing everyone to stay inside. If something is wrong you need to train them and make them understand that what they did was wrong. I know, it can be hard to imagine your friend’s golden retriever doing anything more than running excitedly to greet you. Hence don’t consider the size. Do most chihuahua owners want to know why do chihuahuas…. Instead of taking a subtle approach might keep your chihuahua happy. Chihuahua’s love their home and what they know is theirs. Dogs can’t say no, they also don’t like to be treated like a teddy bear and that is exactly what people do when they see a Chihuahua. You have to respond when the Chihuahua is in need of help. Aggression originates from the below: You must first understand why the Chihuahua is aggressive with other people. Get Useful Tips About Chihuahuas as soon as we share it! Copyright © 2021 by k9Magazine. I think it would be safe to say most big things intimidate small things and to a certain degree, the same can be said about chihuahuas. They don’t like people touching them. If you treat your labradoodle with tender love and affection, it will reciprocate those same feelings. Known as territorial aggression, a Chihuahua is more likely to bite another person or animal if that person or animal encroaches upon their property. when bathing, take care not to get water into their ears, as an infection can develop. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. In this section, you’ll learn more about: Fear. And just in general, love and affection. 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