Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms. Belief: Wooden cutting boards are less sanitary than plastic ones. How Bacteria are Spread. This is a non-living object such as bedding, towels, toys and barbed wire that can carry disease-causing organisms. In a similar fashion, S. flexneri was shown to target and enter into M cells allowing translocation of bacteria across the epithelial barrier, without being toxic for these cells [76] . The microbe does not invade or multiply inside the fly. Bacteria that have infected the body at these sites may then spread into the lymphatic system and gain access to the bloodstream, where further spread can occur. Most bacteria cause no … Bad bacteria can spread illness and will lower your immune system. Not all bacteria are harmful, and some bacteria that live in your body are helpful. Making Contact. Here are some fast facts about how bacteria spreads and how to avoid infection. Lyme disease is an infectious bacterial disease that’s spread to … Bacteria are able to survive in many types of environments in and on the human body. These are generally harmless in the normal course of events and serve to prevent the growth of alien bacteria and other pathogens. Germs are tiny organisms that can make you feel sick and cause disease. The bacteria can also be spread from mother to child during childbirth. Fact: The kitchen is the most germ-ridden place in virtually every household, and sponges do a great job of spreading harmful bacteria around. Belief: Sponges spread germs around. Certain bacteria spread through animals and insect carriers such as dogs, rats, flies, ticks, fleas and mites. They take in nutrients and reproduce by dividing – one bacteria splits and becomes two bacteria, two become four, four become eight and so on. ... Others, such as malaria, are spread by mosquitoes. Bacteria do not grow and multiply the same way as animals or humans. Bacteria can be transmitted through our food, other people, and even our pets. During this activity you will illustrate the steps germs take during transmission. The most common way bacteria spreads is through direct or indirect contact with another person. Fomites. The fungus Trichophyton that causes athlete’s foot can be spread indirectly … Lyme disease. You will learn about the different types of bacteria, how they are spread, and discuss ways to keep from getting sick. When an individual is bitten by one of these vectors, she picks up the bacterial infection. Bacteria are then able to spread rapidly to organs before the establishment of an immune response . For instance, Lactobacillus acidophilus — a harmless bacterium that resides in your intestines — helps you digest food, destroys some disease-causing organisms and provides nutrients. Humans and animals all carry their own specialised colonies of bacteria. Bacteria that spread through such means cause infections to spread further than by the other methods. [36] Bacteremia may also be defined by the timing of bacteria presence in the bloodstream: transient, intermittent, or persistent. How do Bacteria grow?