2 months ago. Even if you're not a Trekkie, you know what Star Trek looks like. After choosing to go and join Starfleet, Lily and Jim go on an adventure which neither are prepared for. Spock and Uhura amicably discuss ending their relationship and have some tension over Spock's intention to leave Starfleet to help the Vulcan survivors, in the wake of the death of Spock Prime. The Original Series and each of its following iterations present a world where people are celebrated for their brilliance regardless of whether they have the emotional intelligence of a Captain Kirk or the technical know how of Scotty, the ship's engineer. For all of the diversity in its cast and social and political commentary, the overwhelming camp element of Star Trek is what makes it such an inherently watchable series. But it's the main cast that really ups the kitsch factor. Yes, but there were hints of Uhura having feelings for Spock (and vice versa) throughout the show. Light Angst. No matter who you are there's someone in the main cast that you identify with or pump your fist a little when they walk onscreen. Spock and Uhura [SPOILERS] Discussion in 'Star Trek Movies: Kelvin Universe' started by Professor Moriarty, May 8, 2009. In a new clip, Uhura breaks up with Spock… You can't say the same thing about shows that were coming out around the same time like The Rifleman or That Girl. Jay North – How well did we know Dennis the Menace. The sound of Star Trek puts the audience in a distinctly futuristic world: the hum of the engines, the pinging sound of the bridge, and the ear splitting "red alert" signal all create a distinct aesthetic that was unique then and remains unique now. They had been dating at Starfleet Academy. Aesthetics are an important factor for why some shows survive and some disappear. Spock is doubting his decision to stay in Starfleet. Nyota Uhura. Lets start there, with Saana from "The Battle for Spock," part II: chapter 25, where Nyota tells her mother that she is married to a Vulcan, the elusive Commander Spock. Racist comments (see spock_uhura for mod post on the topic. Sort by: Hot. Price: US $100.00. When she was assigned to the USS Farragut, Uhura openly confronted Spock about her having received that posting even though she was qualified to serve aboard the USS Enterprise. He’s obsessed with the ways in which singular, transgressive acts have shaped the broader strokes of history, and he believes in alternate dimensions, which means that he’s great at a dinner party. Ben gets the meet all the people Hikaru's been working with, but the meetings don't make him feel any better about Hikaru going back to the stars. [1] [2] Nichelle Nichols herself described creating such moments to give both Uhura and Spock some backstory: I created a relationship between Uhura and Spock as being her mentor and the person she looked up to. POV Spock (Star Trek) Established Spock/Nyota Uhura. Fans of the pairing point to suggestive moments between Spock and Uhura in TOS's canon. In 2018 he told Parade: Jacob Shelton is a Los Angeles based writer. Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Sulu and Bones McCoy have commanded a fandom that has lasted decades -- has any show been more studied and scrutinized than Star Trek? Item Information. New Uhura Star Trek Into Darkness Poster + Saldana Unsure About Spock/Uhura Future. In Star Trek Into Darkness, Spock Prime is described as living on 'New Vulcan' while the younger Spock remains aboard the Enterprise struggling with the loss of his homeworld, as well as his relationships with Uhura and James T. Kirk. https://fanlore.org/w/index.php?title=Spock/Uhura_(TOS)&oldid=1486556. As for the rest of the bio? Spock/Uhura isn't terribly common in the TOS fandom, although there are certainly fans of the pairing. There's a look to the show that leaves an impression on the viewer, not just in the sense that you think it looks cool, but in the sense that it builds an entire world that sticks with the audience once the credits roll. Wildcat is one of the best known TOS-era Spock/Uhura writers, well-regarded for her epic S/U series. With only three seasons and 79 episodes, TOS continues to provide a utopian vision of tomorrow, something that feels all the more important as the current era becomes more volatile. Unlike so much of the science fiction of the 20th century, Star Trek is exceedingly idealistic and that's what keeps audiences coming back. Please PM recumbentgoat if you've got a story you'd like to add to the comm. A TV show is nothing without its characters and Star Trek has them in spades. You guessed it: blue. Star Trek doesn't just show a world where cool looking space-people warp off to various planets for a weekly adventure, it shows cool looking space-people who are really good at their jobs. Sure, Kirk is the lead of the show but the real magic happens when Doctor McCoy and Mr. Spock are trading barbs, or is that just a personal preference? As a result, one of the most memorable scenes of the show came to be - forced to do so by hostile aliens, Nimoy's Spock sings the song Maiden Wine to Uhura and Christine Chapel. It doesn't sound revolutionary today, but in 1966 this was a cultural breakthrough. A Vulcan priest meets a human woman on a humid afternoon in Nairobi. We can't write this list and not include the first interracial kiss in the history of … This attention to detail down to the very sound of the show is like a puzzle that begs to be solved with each viewing. Fans of the pairing point to suggestive moments between Spock and Uhura in TOS's canon. Everyone on the show is doing something. Commander Spock and Cadet Uhura begin a tentative relationship and face many unforeseen complications. She presented him with a logical argument for her placement, to which he admitted he had been trying to avoid the appearance of favoritism. It's eternally popular, but why? Categorizing Star Trek as "feel good TV" may be a bit hyperbolic, but its offer of a future without the chaos of the current era (be it the 1960s or the 2010s) is a welcome addition to any television. Hikaru Sulu. Lt. Nyota Uhura : [the scene cuts to another location, where Uhura is still hounding Spock] And did I not, on multiple occasions, demonstrate an exceptional aural sensitivity, and I quote, "an unparalleled ability to identify sonic anomalies in subspace transmissions tests?" We can pontificate about the endless appeal of Star Trek all day, but William Shatner has the best response as to why the series continues to endure for more than 50 years after its inception, it allows us to keep our childlike wonder about the unknown. Summary. Spock later instead chooses to remain in Starfleet, and begins to renew his relationship with Uhura. Spock was an instructor and Uhura was a cadet. Adventure Spock Bones Star Trek Kirk Scotty ... Beginning Uhura Sulu Chekhov. Find Spock & Uhura videos, photos, wallpapers, forums, polls, news and more. The most popular color? Romance Star Trek Chekov Spock James Kirk Enterprise ... Uhura Sulu Genius Pavel Chekov Scotty Two Young Geniuses. Well you're in luck, because here they come. They have wants, needs, and interior lives. Don't tease with such a lovely thought. With all of its over the top, dramatic flair, Star Trek was irreverent without becoming a parody of itself, and its inherently kitschy qualities allow the series to explore important themes without being too obvious. The original rant that inspired the mod post has been deleted, but excerpts can be found in this Unfunnybusinesspost. When he’s not writing about culture, pop or otherwise, he’s adding to his found photograph collection and eavesdropping on strangers in public. William Shatner chews up the scenery in every shot in which he appears, and he's only rivaled by Walter Koenig's unhinged take on the Russian accent. There are bright colors, sassy robots, and green slave women - all elements that keep the series from becoming maudlin. Commander Spock walked through the corriders of the USS Enterprise A to Lieutenant Nyota Uhura's quarters. It's not just that everyone on the crew is a brainiac, they're not. #star trek #trekkie #tos #lieutenant uhura #spock x uhura #spirk #nichelle nichols #black history #black women #iconic #original series #tng #bones mccoy #space husbands #nyota uhura #krystina arielle #cosplayer #comiccon #cosplay #mirror mirror #classic trek #the enterprise #ncc1701 Most shows with less than 100 episodes from the early days of television don't manage to penetrate society in the same way that Star Trek has, but the campiness of the series takes the edge off of whatever message the series is sending. I want to to delve into the Uhura and S'chn T'gai families and give background on their thoughts about Spock and Nyota's marriage. Decades after its premiere in 1966, Star Trek continues to offer an optimistic look into the future even when it's overrun with Romulans, Tribbles, and Klingons. Setting aside red shirts and William Shatner's intriguing use of syllables, the one constant in each episode of Star Trek is the optimism with which its cast goes into every situation. This page was last modified on 31 August 2019, at 04:09. S/U. But they do each possess their own quality of intelligence that helps create a well rounded group of people. (TOS: \"The Man Trap\", \"The Changeling\", \"Spectre of the Gun\", \"The Savage Curtain\"; TAS: \"The Slaver Weapon\") For all their differences the crew of the Enterprise has one thing in common - they're all smart. This is a show where you can see yourself no matter what color or gender you are, but aside from the way the series deals with prejudice and the social upheaval of the era, the characters were just fun to watch. Emily is Spock's only sibling. Star Trek has forayed into video games with some … Did you scroll all this way to get facts about spock and uhura? What makes this scene even more impressive is the fact Leonard Nimoy wrote the … Summary. The Old and New Adventures of Wonder Woman, SNL’s Widette Family – It was a “crack-up!”. Fanpop community fan club for Spock & Uhura fans to share, discover content and connect with other fans of Spock & Uhura. Thank you! Here are some explanations for the appeal of Star Trek, the original series. For some reason this was the most difficult thing he’s written all day, and here’s the kicker – his girlfriend wrote the funny part of that last sentence. Wildcat is one of the best known TOS-era Spock/Uhura writers, well-regarded for her epic S/U series. He wants to discuss his decision with Nyota, only he's not terribly good at conveying his … James T. Kirk. Set in a utopian future where Earth no longer cares about race, gender, or nationality, the series explores contemporary problems through a different alien race nearly every week. This is the sequel to 'A Woman's Touch.' Communication Failure. Uhura and McCoy make a hurried trip to Dantria after Uhura receives a message from Spock. Nyota Uhura and Spock had a relationship that was established prior to the start of their careers on board the Enterprise. Misunderstandings. The diversity on Star Trek was mind boggling for the '60s, an era where social change was spilling into every facet of American life save for television. 2009 BARBIE COLLECTOR STAR TREK PINK LABEL SPOCK, UHURA, KIRK SET OF 3 NIB . Whether you're a Trekkie, Trekker, or just along for the ride with the crew of the USS Enterprise, Gene Roddenberry's vision of a harmonious future has made an impact on you. She used to be able to run the hundred meter dash in record time. The way the Enterprise looks, the phasers, even the teleporter pads all have a kind of minimalist retro-futurism that's remarkable to take in even today. Even fans of the character can thoughtlessly stumble into painful territory. There are 354 spock and uhura for sale on Etsy, and they cost $21.47 on average. Anyone who's ever felt different from the rest of society has a home on the Enterprise. The style of Star Trek was integral to the series. During Canon. Completed February 23, 2014 Panic. SHE APPEARS IN THE MMO STAR TREK ONLINE. Summary: Uhura was usually there with Spock, and whenever Jim poked his head inside the office, she smiled. Spock (Star Trek) Leonard "Bones" McCoy. Lillian K. Kirk is much like her brother, James T. Kirk, but she is also incredibly different. Perhaps Uhura and Spock's first baby could fill in the role of Tuvok since the original Tuvok likely will never be born in the new timeline seeing as his parents were likely killed when Nero destroyed Vulcan. Condition: New. Celebrating the love of Spock and Uhura: old-school! Saldana believed that Uhura would feel that she was holding back Spock whose goals had changed since the loss of Vulcan in Star Trek (2009). It'll just make me cry if it doesn't happen. No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $99+Opens in a new window or tab* No Interest if paid in full in 6 months on $99+. All the TOS-inspired stories involving our intrepid lovers. Spock nearly dies protecting a planet from an active volcano, but Kirk breaks the Prime Directive and saves him. Even if he was moving slowly to get Spock accustomed to him, Uhura definitely knew that he was scheming, and her smiles were friendly, but she regarded him intensely and Jim guessed that she was working out what his next move might be. Characters who are portrayed by minorities like Sulu and Uhura aren't just onscreen to add diversity to the ensemble, they actually play a part in the series and move the action forward. When she meets Ensign Pavel Chekov on … It says that no matter how chaotic life is at the moment that some day humanity will be able to put everything aside and move forward as one group of people. That’s pure Jacob, baby. uhura spock startrek kirk chekov sulu scotty bones mccoy entreprise trek jimkirk star vulcan leonardmccoy starfleet ussenterprise startrekintodarkness captainkirk pike. Uhura was the only one who could play the Vulcan lyre and the only one who had the audacity to sing a song teasing Spock. Spock and Uhura had been together for a few years now. Details about 2009 BARBIE COLLECTOR STAR TREK PINK LABEL SPOCK, UHURA, KIRK SET OF 3 NIB . A younger girl with Vulcan blood and human tendencies. 127 Spock & Uhura TOS: The Language of Love. (Photo by CBS via Getty Images). Offensive, race-based comments were enough of a concern that the moderator at the Spock/Uhura communityfelt it necessary to make an official post stating that: "if you have ANYTHING a… Spock/Uhura isn't terribly common in the TOS fandom, although there are certainly fans of the pairing. StarTrek: The Original Series - Rated: T - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 4 - Words: 7,718 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 9 - Published: 2/3/2011 - Spock, Uhura - Complete Uhura was of African descent. Spock and Uhura are the last crew members on the Enterprise when the others dissapear suddenly, and their feelings for eachother soon become clear. Original air date, January 12, 1968. Rating: [R] Posted: Size: 138089 bytes Review They had been together prior to their service on the Enterprise. It's rare to see such a hopeful view of the future in a genre that's often filled with gloomy, dystopian prospectives. “Get Smart” – A Lovable But Incompetent Hero, Imágenes Históricas Más Entretenidas De La Época Groovy, Behind The Scenes With Hollywood's Grooviest Stars, William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock in the STAR TREK episode, "A Piece of the Action." The Sulu family goes to the christening of the rebuilt Enterprise. Click here for related articles on Fanlore. Plato's Stepchildren. The most common spock and uhura material is cotton. … There are rocky times ahead for Lieutenant Uhura and Commander Spock in the upcoming movie Star Trek Beyond. Pairings: Spock/Uhura, Kirk/Spock Rating: G Summary: “I have something important that I must discuss with you” Warnings: slash, het, a little angst A/Ns: I wanted Spock & Uhura to break up, but I didn’t want it to be disrespectful to either character, and I really didn’t want any drama to be between them, because I like their friendship. Star Trek offers the possibility of progress. Jinn-Jinn Featured By Owner Aug 3, 2011. Reply. The Original Series shares pieces of genetic makeup with the films of Roger Corman and Adam West's run on Batman. Paramount released a new domestic Star Trek Into Darkness character poster today – featuring Zoe Saldana as … Not only was Leonard Nimoy's Spock highly intelligent and an excellent first office/science officer, but he also had a great singing voice. In the midst of political unrest, Sarek meets a woman on an elevator with an illogical penchant for whistling. 249 Stories. Spock and Uhura had the day off. She was fluent in Swahili and had an aptitude for mathematics. Not all race issues originate with Uhura's detractors. Each member of the crew - Captain Kirk, Commander Spock, and on down to security officers - possess qualities that when put together form a nearly perfect machine. The pair certainly have had their ups and downs in the first two movies in the rebooted Star Trek universe, and fans are wondering if Spock and Uhura are together in Star Trek Beyond. Even before the reboots, a lot of fans shipped the two. 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