Many voters absent in the Confederate army when the vote was taken refused to acknowledge the transfer on their return. The Bohemians refused to acknowledge him as their king and elected in his stead Frederick V., the elector palatine of the Rhine, a son-inlaw of the English king James I., and the Hungarians and the Austrians were hardly less disaffected. In the 11th it was called Rebellum, because it refused to acknowledge the sovereignty of Amalfi, and in the 13th, when at the height of its prosperity, it had 36,000 inhabitants. " This might explain why Disraeli never did acknowledge authorship of the book. The activities of Prof. Masaryk in Russia, England and America, enthusiastically supported by his compatriots living abroad, and especially by the Czechs and Slovaks who had emigrated to the United States, the self-sacrificing valour of the Czechoslovak legions on the French, Italian and Russian fronts, and the work of the Czechoslovak Council with its headquarters at Paris, moved the Allies to acknowledge the last-named body as the de facto Provisional Government of the Czechoslovak State. The Bulgarian danger, and probably the energetic and successful operations of the Greek emperor Basil the Macedonian (867-886), determined the Servian Zhupans to acknowledge again the suzerainty of the Greek emperors. 5. Then the server repeatedly requests the receiver acknowledge receipt of the message. Jason signed a form to acknowledge the receipt of the letter. is not responsible for their content. Include a card with your full name and address in the envelope so they can acknowledge your donation. The fact that we acknowledge "this" as now - right now - is simply a quirk of the way our brains work, not having to do with anything about how the universe is laid out. I am acknowledging receipt of... We will make sure that the person responsible receives these materials immediately upon returning to the office. Receipt, recipe & reseat cat @ wordpandit. acknowledge translate: 承認;認可…屬實或存在, (通過信函或電子郵件等)確認收悉. Were you afraid I was too much of a prude to acknowledge him? The natives have adopted many customs of white civilization, and on the Aleutians, and in coastal Alaska, and in scattered regions in the interior acknowledge Christianity under the forms of the Orthodox Greek or other churches. Blinded by hubris, the terrorist refused to acknowledge that his downfall was approaching. We may be able to tackle and explicitly acknowledge this subjectivity, by collective development. Although, like most men of strong originative power, he assimilated with difficulty the ideas of others, his tardiness sprang rather from inability to depart from the track of his own methods than from reluctance to acknowledge the merits of his competitors. IMPROPER USE AND LIABILITIES The Customer shall acknowledge that he/she will only use the Service for lawful purposes. If you see a behavior you do not want, it is better just not to acknowledge this than to say "No, no, no!". "She's been waiting for you," Fred offered, as if embarrassed at failing to acknowledge their wayward employee earlier. The requested authorities shall acknowledge receipt of the communication and indicate whether they are responsible for recovery. This monster had managed to find Merrill Cooms, forcing us to acknowledge his abilities. . English The Sub-Commission then decided to acknowledge receipt of the legal opinion. How to use acknowledge in a sentence. It wasn't normal for them to acknowledge her existence, let alone address her. Gondris reads the variorum page, she here appears to acknowledge, impressionistically. It was, however, far easier to acknowledge that the Capitulations rgime was defective and had outlived its time than to devise a remedy and get all the nations interested to accept it. when Manfred, who by Frederick's will had been charged with the government of the two Sicilies, felt obliged to acknowledge the pope's suzerainty, Innocent threw off the mask, ignored Conradin's claims, and on the 24th of October formally asserted his own claims to Calabria and Sicily. Kris looked at each of the brothers then back at him, as if forced to acknowledge what—or who—had compelled them back. The kindest thing you can do for your pet and for yourself is to acknowledge this fact, and try not to impose your sense of grief and anxiety on your dog. Keep in mind that some addicts refuse to acknowledge their addiction or seek treatment no matter what is said to them. acknowledge example sentences. Mahommedans who do not acknowledge the spiritual authority of the Ottoman sultan, such as the Persians and Moors, look to their own rulers for the proclamation of a jihad; there has been in fact no universal warfare by Moslems on unbelievers since the early days of Mahommedanism. acknowledge as well as Greeks, Orientals and barbarians. For the North had proclaimed a blockade of the Southern ports; and it wo-old have been both inconvenient and unfair if Lord Russell had decided to recognize the blockade and had refused to acknowledge the belligerent rights of the Southern States. 2. 43+ Receipt Templates in Word; 42+ Receipt Templates in Excel; The information in a sample receipt is important for purposes of notifying both parties involved in a certain transaction that they have already come into terms as agreed. The commissioner's office acknowledged receipt of the book with a form letter. While refusing to acknowledge the Roman Church as the true church, he allowed it to be a true church and a branch of the Catholic body, at the same time emphasizing the perils of knowingly associating with error; and with regard to the English Church he denied that the acceptance of all its articles was necessary. We fully acknowledge that the traditional treatment of osteofibrous dysplasia has been a conservative approach. He demanded of the king, as the conditions of his retaining office, that he should give up all the possessions of the see, accept his spiritual counsel, and acknowledge Urban as pope in opposition to the anti-pope, Clement. Tordelbach was succeeded by his son Ruadri (Roderick, q.v. Again, this helps the recipient feel a part of your big day, and it is a way for you to acknowledge that while your wedding was strictly a private affair, you are excited to share your excitement with your loved ones as soon as possible. Remained fairly simple acknowledgement letter, acknowledge the receipt this email that you did you have free audio pronunciation exercises help you with a scam email replies. Acknowledge the corn - say this when you are telling someone to tell you the truth. churlish not to acknowledge that progress has been made. How to use receipt in a sentence. If you want to be forgiven, you should acknowledge your mistakes to the priest and ask for mercy. Acknowledge definition is - to recognize the rights, authority, or status of. Context sentences for "to acknowledge receipt" in French These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. While you don't have to shout from the rooftops that you are distraught, you may want to take some time to acknowledge that you are having difficulty with it. Following the advice of his ministers Walla and Agobard, supporters of the policy of unity, Louis the Pious put Bernard of Italy, Charlemagnes grandson, to death for refusing to acknowledge Lothair as coemperor; crushed a revolt in. The nations will be blessed when they acknowledge the Lord Jesus Jesus Christ is given absolute dominion and there is no wiggle room. Several Kindred had already entered the fief but all proved willing to acknowledge him as Prince. It was this threat which forced John to sue for a reconciliation; and the first condition exacted was that he should acknowledge Langton as archbishop. Inheriting the trade of ruined Tyre and becoming the centre of the new commerce between Europe and the Arabian and Indian East, the city grew in less than a century to be larger than Carthage; and for some centuries more it had to acknowledge no superior but Rome. In addition, parents should acknowledge firstborns as people, not the products of their efforts. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter using the enclosed reply slip. He refused to acknowledge his problem until a music producer overdosed on heroin and died in Boy George's home; he then kicked the habit. Opportunities to acknowledge an employee come in a variety of events. ", 242-244; " It resteth therefore that, without fig-leaves, I do ingenuously confess and acknowledge, that having understood the particulars of the charge, not formally from the House but enough to inform my conscience and memory, I find matter sufficient and full, both to move me to desert the defence, and to move your lordships to condemn and censure me.". Athens, whose general Chares had supported Artabazus, was by the threatening messages of the king forced to conclude peace, and to acknowledge the independence of its rebellious allies (355 B.C.). For instance, the Sinceramente Hallmark line offers Spanish-language and bilingual cards to acknowledge and celebrate a recipient's Hispanic heritage. Those who had thought it impossible that any impression could be made upon the House after the speech of Mr Disraeli had to acknowledge that a yet greater impression was produced by the unprepared reply of Mr Gladstone.". Charles Greville in his Memoirs says, "In the present cabinet are five or six first-rate men of equal, or nearly equal, pretensions, none of them likely to acknowledge the superiority or defer to the opinions of any other, and every one of these five or six considering himself abler and more important than their premier"; and Sir James Graham wrote, "It is a powerful team, but it will require good driving.". Vows can also be written to acknowledge special circumstances in your relationship, such as differing spiritual beliefs or the creation of a blended family due to a second marriage. 10) ready to acknowledge its utility in counteracting unpleasant smells ("si me odor alicujus loci offenderit, Arabiae aliquid incendo"), is careful to say that he scorns to offer it as an accompaniment to his heartfelt prayers (Apol. To disown means to refuse to acknowledge a relationship with someone. On the one side stand those which acknowledge none but efficient causes - which make force prior to thought, and explain the universe, as it were, a tergo. The flower of his army was in Asia and his treasury was empty; but he contrived to extort funds from the " New Christians," and collected a force of some 18,000 men, chiefly untrained lads, wornout veterans, and foreign free-lances. In a fit of jealousy the emperor commanded that this masterpiece should be thrown down, and sent commissioners to Amber charged with the execution of this order; whereupon Mirza, in order to save the structure, had the columns plastered over with stucco, so that the messengers from Agra should have to acknowledge to the emperor that the magnificence, which had been so much talked of, was after all pure invention. It was conquered by the Vascones in the 6th century, and in 819 became a viscounty dependent on the dukes of Aquitaine - a feudal link which was broken in the 11th century, when the viscounts ceased to acknowledge any suzerain. m., with a population of 62,461,549, is divided up among various native states, all of which acknowledge the suzerainty of the paramount power, but are directly administered by semi-independent rulers, usually assisted by a British resident. In the west Manus made unceasing efforts to assert the supremacy of the O'Donnells in north Connaught, where he compelled O'Conor Sligo to acknowledge his overlordship in 1539. In 989 she visited Rome, where she exercised as imperatrix the imperial prerogatives, and probably compelled the Romans to swear to acknowledge her son. some way acknowledge his supremacy (Emanuel Ullmann, Volkerrecht, § 16); M. The theological calmness of the West, amid the violent theological disputes which troubled the Eastern patriarchates, and the statesmanlike wisdom of Rome's greater bishops, combined to give a unique position to the pope, which councils in vain strove to shake, and which in time of difficulty the Eastern patriarchs were fain to acknowledge and make use of, however they might protest against it and the conclusions deduced from it. 3. 🔊 Were Called Acephali Because They Had No Lands By Virtue Of Which They Could Acknowledge A Superior Lord. The aims of Owen were described by himself in a letter addressed to Charles VI., king of France, who had hastened to acknowledge the upstart as Prince of Wales and had sent 12,000 troops on his behalf to Milford Haven. Many of the Boers who would not acknowledge British rule trekked once more over the mountains into what are now the Orange Free State and Transvaal provinces. had not succeeded in regaining the full power of his predecessors, he felt again assuming the title king of kingswbich Pompey declined to acknowledge and even in proclaiming himself as god (Phlegon, Jr. 12 ap. attended, prepared to acknowledge Photius as legitimate patriarch, a concession for which John was much censured by Latin opinion. These suggestions for writing a goodbye letter for co-workers can help you acknowledge these people appropriately and make the transition a little easier for you and for them. Phot. ), offered to acknowledge Portuguese suzerainty if he were restored to the throne by Portuguese arms, and Sebastian eagerly accepted these terms. The request s state is released upon receipt of the answer. Confronted by civil war, and deprived of Hlum by the Hungarians, she was compelled to acknowledge the suzerainty of Stephen Dushan, and afterwards of Louis. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. He skilfully took advantage of the alarm of the German Protestants after the battle of White Hill in 1620, to secure the coadjutorship to the see of Bremen for his son Frederick (September 1621), a step followed in November by a similar arrangement as to Werden; while Hamburg by the compact of Steinburg (July 1621) was induced to acknowledge the Danish overlordship of Holstein. 16+2 sentence examples: 1. Leader We acknowledge before your throne of mercy, O Lord, the sin of indifference and ambivalence. Hindustan he had to march north into Khwarizm (Khiva) against his brother-in-law Mamun, who had refused to acknowledge Mahmud's supremacy. In the provinces and even in Italy his subjects were ready to acknowledge his divinity - with the sole exception of the Jews. Whether you love or hate their sound, you can't help but acknowledge and laud their seminal role in the music industry they helped to partially create. I believe that he was most definitely aware of your presence and that he chose not to acknowledge you in a veiled attempt to keep a 'friendly' distance between the two of you. Such were Ingimund the Old, Geirmund Hellskin, Thord Beardie (who had wed St Edmund's granddaughter,) Audun Shackle, Bryniulf the Old, Uni, to whom Harold promised the earldom of the new land if he could make the settlers acknowledge him as king (a hopeless project), and others by whom the north-west, north and east were almost completely " claimed.". When we further remember the relation which the five students mentioned above had long borne to him, and that they had passed through a similar culture, it is not difficult to understand that his persuasions were successful, and that his old disciples were the first to acknowledge him in his new character. On the 7th the Hungarian diet formally refused to acknowledge the title of the new king, " as without the knowledge and consent of the diet no one could sit on the Hungarian throne," and called the nation to arms. His greatest success, however, was gained in the Eternal City itself; for he contrived, after many vicissitudes, to induce the Romans to annul their republican constitution and acknowledge the papal supremacy, even in municipal matters. They follow the Orthodox Eastern liturgy, ceremonial and calendar, but acknowledge the papal and doctrinal authority of Rome. 1. I should be obliged if you would acknowledge receipt of this letter. The other vamps didn't so much as acknowledge her as she stepped from the car. While it took many years, the ballet world did eventually acknowledge Modern dance through the stylings of an impactful choreographer named George Balanchine. Notwithstanding the victory of Cape St Vincent, England was brought into such extreme peril by the mutinies in the fleet that she offered to acknowledge the French conquest of the Netherlands and to restore the French colonies. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. i.) Each case must be considered on an individual basis, and the doctor should acknowledge the personal feelings of the parents, as well as the individual circumstances of each child. acknowledge receipt of in a sentence - Use "acknowledge receipt of" in a sentence 1. The privy council ordered him to be banished from the kingdom for refusing to acknowledge the sentence of the High Commission. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. When giving his wife the silent treatment, Sam didn't acknowledge her presence or even look her way. The president will acknowledge the soldiers’ suspicious deaths during his address to the nation. Both grain and fruit harvests have been gathered as we give thanks for our harvest and acknowledge the waning power of the Sun. General Arthur refused to resign on the ground that to retire "under fire" would be to acknowledge wrong-doing, and claimed that as the abuses were inherent in a widespread system he should not be made to bear the responsibility alone. I hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter of 25 July. In the 13th century the island stood as a rule under the control of Italian adventurers, who were, however, at times compelled to acknowledge the overlordship of the emperors of Nicaea, and failed to protect it against the depredations of Turkish corsairs. Sentence of excommunication was passed on Friedrich in April 1871, but he refused to acknowledge it and was upheld by the Bavarian government. Acknowledge: in a sentence – words in a sentence. Nominally all the provinces and districts of Baluchistan, with the exception of the ceded territory which we call British Baluchistan, are under the khan of Kalat, and all chiefs acknowledge him as their suzerain. The post office didn't acknowledge receipt of the package and claimed it was never dropped off. The Vice-Chancellor will acknowledge receipt of the appeal within five working days and will inform the appellant which Deputy Vice-Chancellor will handle the appeal. c. 330) declares: " this was admirable " amongst the Neo-Pythagoreans " that they ascribed everything to Pythagoras; but few of them acknowledge their own works as their own " (de Pythag. Members also share AMC photos and acknowledge birthdays. You have to sign here and acknowledge receipt. iconographyting images acknowledge the metaphorical role that materials and objects play in developing various iconographies. She didn't want to acknowledge there might be truth to anything he said except for one: she couldn't dig a grave. By the time a child is about two and a half or three, the child is able to acknowledge that a death has occurred but will not really understand the reality of death. No matter what gift idea you choose, be sure to acknowledge the retiree for the years of service and say thank you if you were his boss or a coworker. Jim will acknowledge receipt of your email even if … But as the Buddha did not acknowledge a soul, the link of connexion between one life and the next had to be found somewhere else. But in spite of all this we are forced to acknowledge that, as a master of what we may perhaps call "narrative history," he has no superior in antiquity; for, inferior as he is to Thucydides, to Polybius, and even to Tacitus in philosophic power and breadth of view, he is at least their equal in the skill with which he tells his story. Later she did acknowledge that some of the items from the purse were hers. Receipt | definition of receipt in english by oxford dictionaries. How to use acknowledge in a sentence. As we had communicated earlier, we have recalled all products under 30/ 04/19 batch number for further analysis after we received complaints from several customers regarding contamination of the said batch. The statement of Vane and Ludlow, when they refused to acknowledge Cromwell's government, that it was "in substance a re-establishment of that which we all engaged against," was true. On his return to Rome, Eugenius had to treat with his rebel subjects and to acknowledge the senate they had elected, but he was unable to procure the expulsion of the agitator. If wedding guests took the time to attend your wedding with a gift in hand, you must acknowledge them. This view must have been that of our War Department, for it did not even acknowledge the receipt of drawings and specifications for a machine gun carriage, offered freely to the Government as a gift by the inventor six months before the war, together with the first correct tactical outline of the proper use of machine guns ever filed in any War Office in the world. He refused to acknowledge his victorious riyal, Rudolph of Habsburg, and urged the pope to adopt a similar attitude, while the new king claimed the Austrian duchies. How to use acknowledge in a sentence. He refused to acknowledge any right to separate government whatever on the part of the Afghans, and Kandahar and Ghazni were to be recovered, as belonging to the empire of the Safawid dynasty. The Spanish government did not, however, formally acknowledge the independence of the country until the year 1842. If those around her acknowledge the loss as a "real" one, only then will she be able to grieve and start the healing process. Many of the conquered repeated that proud, sad answer of the men of Rochelle to the English: We will acknowledge you with our lips; but with our hearts, never! I just want to acknowledge receipt of the Red John files. Graduation cards are a good idea to acknowledge the important day and the days that have led up to it. The Vice-Chancellor will acknowledge receipt of the appeal within five working days and will inform the appellant which Deputy Vice-Chancellor will handle the appeal. And it was not until the parliament refused to acknowledge the Instrument as the required starting point for the new legality, that Cromwell in the last resort took arbitrary power into his hands as the only method remaining for carrying on the government. They do not represent the opinions of The justice or injustice of the British cause seemed to him a much more important matter than the vindication of military honor; and he could not bring himself to acknowledge that Majuba had altered the situation, and that the terms which he had made up his mind to concede before the battle could not be safely granted till military reputation was restored. The congress appointed him to conduct an expedition against Santa Fe de Bogota, where Don Cundinamarca had refused to acknowledge the new coalition of the provinces. The federal government refused to acknowledge the new governor, and troops were despatched by Sarmiento against Entre Rios. While neither the party nor the gifts are required, gifts can be a nice way to acknowledge a couple's new relationship. His thumb jerked back to acknowledge Nick for the first time. While Andrew and I set the central creative direction for the company, we give our designers only one solid rule: Whatever they come up with has to somehow acknowledge a connection to the entire Teroforma collection. For the latter they have nothing but condemnation, but the former they acknowledge as part of the divine order of the state, while the y complain that the priests have prostituted their office for lucre. He seemed uncomfortable without the usual casket before him but was quite skillful in referring to Jeffrey Byrne's present status in sufficiently ambiguous terms as to not quite acknowledge Byrne was dead. I would be gratefu Rather than acknowledge him, the duke of Lotharingia-, or Lorraine, transferred his allegiance to Charles the Simple of France; and it was in vain that Conrad protested and despatched armies into Lorraine. I want to acknowledge the very generous contributions which have been made over the years by the public. Equitius was afterwards elected tribune. This chief, encamped at Teheran when the communication reached him, submitted the matter to his men, who decided against Zaki, but put forward their own captain as the only master they would acknowledge. Let them build the house, and Yahweh will take pleasure in it and acknowledge the honour paid to Him. During the medieval era of internecine strife the Buddhist priests were the sole depositaries of literary talent, and seeing that, from the close of the 14th century, the ShintO mime (Kagura) was largely employed by the military class to invo,~ce or acknowledge the assistance of the gods, the monks of Buddha set themselves to compose librettos for this mime, and the performance, thus modified, received the name of NO. spiritual dimension to human life which we need to acknowledge? There are so few times in life that people acknowledge big achievements, but high school is one them, so make the memory a great one. Some of the tribes, disappointed at not being taken over by Great Britain, refused to acknowledge German sovereignty. 🔊 Jim will acknowledge receipt of your email even if he cannot immediately respond to it. The duc de Choiseul, who refused to acknowledge her, was disgraced in 1771; and the duc d'Aiguillon, who had the reputation of being her lover, took his place, and in concert with her governed the monarch. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. In the meantime, when you feel nervous in this girl's presence, acknowledge the feeling. WATCH our daily vocabulary videos and LEARN new words in a fun and exciting way! The key to flexibility is to acknowledge that a schedule change has occurred and adjust accordingly. Acknowledge their erotic appeal and their practicality under tight-fitting clothing. However, acknowledging receipt of such ticket makes it valid and thus enforceable. Towards the end of the 18th century the Hameg wrested power from the Funj and the kingdom fell into decay, many of the tributary princes refusing to acknowledge the king of Sennar. The great god Ahuramazda, whom king and people alike acknowledge, has given them dominion over this earth afar, over many peoples and tongues; and the consciousness is strong in them that they are masters of the world. On receipt we will arrange for the engrossments to be executed by our clients and we will then revert to you so that the matter can be completed. Ask for mercy much of a pension '' – French-English dictionary and search for... Saying `` hi, '' and making eye contact audiences and acknowledge his when. Would acknowledge receipt '' in a sentence the issue without personalizing it takes the time to this... Step into the world, in a sentence the president will acknowledge the papal and doctrinal authority of central... 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